This page contains some miscellaneous things related to sfuff that I am interested in.
Firmware Tutorial Series
This is a simple tutorial series about basics about writing firmware for embedded systems. All the tutorials are based on RISC-V ISA based picoRV32 processor design and can be simulated to visualize the outputs to the terminal.
RackeTutes : Verification with Racket
RackeTutes is a tutorial series for Racket and Rosette solver-aided programming language to promote “Secure and Validated” hardware designs. This series utilize Jupyter Notebook for interactive verification.
LetsKernel : Linux Kernel Programming Tutorial
LetsKernel is a tutorial series based on the book “The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide”. Objective of this series is to familiarize linux kernel development with ubuntu based linux kernels.
TinyOS🐞: Operating System Tutorial Series
TinyOS is a tutorial series about minimal operating system kernel implementation based on the comprehensive tutorial series mini-risscv-os. This operating system kernel is based on RISC-V. instrucion set architecture. A fully built environment is available as a docker environment. This tutorial will cover several chapters related to implementing a operating system from begining.
- TinyOS
- Hello world!
- Context-Switch
- Multitasking
- TimerInterrupts
- Preemptive-Scheduling
- Spinlocks
- Interrupts and Peripherals
Related Articles
I’ve written a bunch of blog articles on all sorts of engineering and research stuff. You can find the below.
- Android Device Security and GSI
- Docker for Research
- Computing Giants
- Learn from Failures
- Neural Network on 8-bits?